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Sale of LLCs taxed as Partnerships

Sale of LLCs taxed as Partnerships

So, you own equity in an LLC taxed as a partnership, and it has come time to sell the company. What happens if you sell your interest? What happens if instead the LLC sells its assets? Similarities Regardless of whether the transaction is structured as an equity sale...
Discount Stock Options

Discount Stock Options

Myth: You must grant stock options with a fair market value exercise price. Truth: A nonstatutory stock option can be granted with a discount exercise price if: The stock option is fixed-exercise; or The stock option meets the independent contractor exception. Most...
Section 409A – 10 Magic Words

Section 409A – 10 Magic Words

 Section 409A is a highly technical section of the tax code that slaps a 20% tax penalty onto improperly structured deferred compensation. But there is a hack. You can avoid the penalty by adding these 10 magic words to the contract… “, subject to [his/her] continuous...
Choice of Entity

Choice of Entity

You have a brilliant business idea. And you can see yourself as a millionaire. But sadly, you’re frozen by the very first decision you have to make: Do you form the company as an S corp, C corp, or LLC? Today’s your lucky day. I’ll make it easy for you. If you plan on...
S Corp “F” Reorg QSub Drop

S Corp “F” Reorg QSub Drop

When selling an S corporation, an increasingly common transaction structure is the so-called “F” reorg QSub drop. Its popularity is tied to the fact that it can provide each party in the transaction a desired tax benefit. What tax benefit does a buyer want when...